The return to Wuxi in the year 2007 is met with a change in hotel. We moved from the New District to right in the City Centre of Wuxi city. Here is a view from the hotel room at night.
A view of my room.
And here is where I go for shopping.
Here is my hotel. The hotel webpage can be found here.
On our first night here, we have our dinner at TGIFriday which is directly next to our hotel. It has American style servings and the waitresses are very friendly.
This is one of the restaurant which serves supper, ie it closes after midnight. The crusine are really superb!
Here is one of Wuxi famous shops that sells hot stuffed buns.
Here is another famous Wuxi crusine which specialises in Pork Ribs.
Here is the food court at Yaohan.
This is the busy shopping and food street directly opposite the hotel.
This roadside stall serves one of the best wanton around my hotel. It cost 1.50RMB per bowl. (30 singapore cents)
Here is a 'Yoshinoya' style restaurant hidden away from the main streets.